August 24th 2005
Today, I am publicly announcing that I hope to earn the support of my fellow Citizens of Kamloops as one of their representatives on the 2005-2008 Kamloops City Council
I was born and raised in Kamloops. I have travelled and lived all over the world and I have found no other place that I could comfortably call home. We live in an incredible city. I have been greatly inspired by the many success stories in our community. And I have been deeply touched by the challenges we face.
I feel strongly about the well being of our entire community. I believe we must involve as many people as possible in the affairs of our city and do so in a respectful, transparent, and effective manner. I am honoured to have friends from all walks of life in Kamloops, hope to make many more, and am confident I will make decisions on Council that reflect a broad community consensus. I commit to do my best to effectively hear from and communicate with my fellow citizens about the issues that come before Council.
The best City Council works well as a team. I fully understand that , standing alone, the positions of one City Councillor will not have much impact. These are some more of the thoughts and ideas I will bring to that team:
Building Healthy Communities
reach out to Youth and encourage their full involvement in the community. Lobby for funding for Youth Kamtalk conference.
encourage the formation and supporting operations of comunity associations.
address crime through a strategy that combines police resources, poverty reduction, and addiction treatment resources
support consensus building training for council, council committees, and local boards.
Innovative Economic Development
encourage local investment in green technologies – eg.geothermal power, wind power, solar power.
partner on a “new entrepreneur” strategy that helps people start new businesses.
Sustainable Development
support curb side recycling initiative.
lobby the province for more alternative energy transit buses.
I very much look forward to listening and responding to the ideas and concerns of the Citizens of Kamloops over the next few months. I invite everyone and anyone to contact me at 377 1797 or at [email protected].