I had the good fortune to spend an hour this morning with Randy Diehl, Chief Administrative Officer, for the City of Kamloops. Randy is our head employee, leading all city employees in the day to day management of our city.
Randy has always struck me as a quiet person. He would probably make a lousy politician, but I think he is a very good manager. I could be wrong (about the politician part) as I am just getting to know Randy better.
I was especially interested to talk to Randy about City Hall's quest to became one of the 100 Top Organizations in Canada. This is a rigorous process, administered by the National Quality Institute of Canada, which requires going through City Hall processes and assessing their efficiency by international standards. The City has been through 2 of the 4 steps in the process. It is important that results in this process are measurable. Randy is of the same view.
Anything the City can do to be more efficient and not lose its humanity - I am in favour of. Too often, organizations don't go that extra mile to become as efficient as possible.
Randy and I also talked about the importance of City Council having a strategic plan, the 360 reviews of city managers where there staff also get to anonymously review their manager's performance, and the issue of substandard infrastructure on the North Shore.
I firmly believe Randy has been a huge asset to the City.