It cost about $5000, involved 17 people, and it was totally worth it.
Your City Council, Senior City staff, and a facilitator by the name of Hugh Culver - we all met this weekend at TRU to develop a new 3 year strategic plan for Kamloops.
Hugh had us:
1) Rate completion of goals in the past strategic plan.
2) Add ideas to the plan / Reemphasize old goals
3) Decide whether we wanted to change the major headings in the plan.
4) Vote on our new ideas and the goals people wanted to keep (council only)
5) Write up our draft new plan into a document projected on the big screen.
It worked really well, in my view. We decided to keep the major
headings in the past plan. Environmental issues came closest to
becoming a new heading but we decided that, at this point, the creation
of a comprehensive environmental strategy would be under the
"livability" heading.
As the strategic plan is still in draft format, I don't want to talk
about all the different goals. Notable in my head as newer goals are
the desire to improve city efforts to help facilitate the growth of
TRU, a commitment to help local citizens take advantage of the many
opportunities that will come with the 2010 Vancouver / Whistler
Olympics, and the environmental strategy I spoke of in the last
Just also to say that this plan is flexible. While I would not like to see this happen a lot, we can amend the plan anytime in the 3 year term.