Jim Harker, Tina Lange, Terry Lake, and myself are in Richmond for the next two days to attend the Union of BC Municipalities Seminar for Newly Elected Officials.
When I was first elected, it was strongly recommended by city administration and by the returning councillors that we take this training. So, I am here. And it looks like it will be very worthwhile. We will be attending seminars on legal issues, policy creation, communicating with the rest of the community, budget making and financial issues, land uses issues, and public hearings.
So, we flew down here this late afternoon. We already attended an interesting seminar with information on meeting dynamics and procedures. This was run by Eli Mina.
The basic jist of Mr. Mina's talk was that a good structure of rules of operation are very useful in a Council meeting. He emphasized that it is our duty, as elected officals, to attempt to provide exemplary leadership in our communties - I would rephrase that for myself as exemplary representation. He went through a whole range of issues such as making motions, points of order, and the responsibility to provide new and unique information that will lead to better decisions. His motto is "suffering is optional".