I have such plans for this site. Its been difficult to blog here as much as I think I need to. So, I am going to kick it up a notch after the Easter weekend,at least for the forseeable future.
While you are all waiting for more posts :), here is a volunteer opportunity from Cindy Nelson from the McDonald Park neighborhood association:
Hello all; you all know by now that I am a part of my neighbourhood Society that is trying to make our North Shore Neighbourhood a quality place to live.The Friends of McDonald Park are in DESPERATE need of some help, We are hosting our 1st annual Easter Event in McDonald Park.We have exhausted all avenues for Volunteers.We are Planning a fun filled day for the Children of our Community.This will include, bouncies, an Easter Egg hunt, face painting, a Clown Show, crafts and a hot dag sale.The Event takes place in McDonald Park (north shore) Saturday April 15th from 10 am-1:30PLEASE if if there is any way you can come spare a couple of hours to make the children of our community have a great easter day, we would be gratefull.Tell all youre friends, bring youre family and fw this e-mail...WE NEED HELP!!!MY NUMBERS ARE554-0841 OR MY CELL AT 371-7472call me, e-mail me, come have a fun filled afternoon
I am curious if there is going to be an Easter Event at McDonald Park this year April 2007? If so could you e-mail me back the details.
Thank you
Posted by: Marie | March 27, 2007 at 10:09 AM