We approved a development permit for an extension to Countrywide Home Furnishing's building on Dalhousie Drive. We authorized a reduction to the side yard for a house on the corner of Schreiner and Parkcrest on the North Shore. Public Works and Utilities Director David Duckworth proposed the new fee structure for containers for the new garbage utility and Council ratified his proposal.
We debated a proposal to modify City Hall's committee structure. The main debate centred around the Community and Council Services Committee. Some members of Council felt the committee was redundant because the bulk of the issues discussed get debated again at a Council meeting. Others felt that the Community and Council Services Committee performed a useful role in making recommendations and doing fuller investigations. In the end. we decided to keep the committee and to review it one year to assess again.
I raised the issue of the poorly worded questionnaire from the Westsyde open house. Staff agreed this was an issue. Other members of Council felt the meeting was quite successful.
Gay Pooler, general manager of the Kamloops Central Business Improvement Area (KCBIA), presented the BIA's 5 year financial plan. Garnet Lineker, from Brock Estates on Ord Rd, shared further concerns about the proposed gravel operation across the road from his neighborhood.
We proclaimed ALS awareness month and supported the Kamloops Gymnastics and Trampoline Centre bid to hold the 2007 BC Championships.