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January 27, 2007



Definitely throw the ideas out there to the field. Some are good, some are not, but at least they weren't missed possibilities.

I have to wonder about this square idea... we have parks all over the city, and as a family we use a lot of them throughout the summer. We pick random areas of the city and go for a picnic. There are a lot of facilities that seem to need a little help, why build new ones when the old one's aren't up to snuff?

That's not meant as a complaint. I'd like to keep a few of my tax dollars in my hands rather than create yet another long-term expense. Water filter, sewer filter, green technology adoption, more technology expansion - things that will make a difference to the world seem like a better way to go.


Just thought of a comparison... we get coupons in the mail all the time offering 50% off this or that. That doesn't mean we have to use them, it just means someone else wants me to!


Arjun: I see your point about accessing funds for something we would otherwise be doing in future (without a matching grant).

However, I agree with Mike --we don't need another square, we have other needs (as listed by Mike), and 'coupons' must not distract us (or our finances, however matched).


And ya, please keep talking, Arjun. It sucks to be lambasted, but you're doing a great job: Initiating discussion, even if on an idea that gets booted in the end, is what democracy is all about.

It's too bad that some people will use their positions in the community to make attacks, but your postings, humility, and honesty balance things out very well.

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