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May 21, 2007


David Wise

Fascinating, Arjun!

The power of social networking is, I think, only just starting to really make itself known and the potential for groups to organize with it is tremendous. Certainly, the capability of the net to help disseminate information from the government side, and for response to come from the citizen side, is, I think, good news for democracy. However, without rules of conduct, it is very easy for the internet to be abused and used as a tool for defamation and malicious gossip. As with any tool, it can be abused. I quite like the ability to comment on cbc and globe and mail stories, for example, but find that those comments tend to disintegrate into extremist personal opinions rather quickly. If Kamloops wants to go that way, it is important, I think, to have a good moderator panel set up to keep the tone of debate set at an acceptable level of discourse, and that proper rules of conduct are followed.


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