I'm going to try to distill into 2 pages the major takeaways from the UBCM convention last week. You can see from the summary below, this will be no easy feat. I really would like to be able to bring some of the learning and contacts to life into local community projects and initiatives. If anyone would like me to further expand on any of the topics or meetings below, please let me know:
Seminars Attended
- Working with First Nations
- TILMA (BC / Alberta Trade Investment Labour Mobility Agreement)
- The Heritage Sustainability Nexus
- Use of Bylaws to Address Crime Issues
- Challenge of Regional Governance for Local Government and the Province
- What's The Census Telling Us?
- The Green Building Code / Building Code Modernization Strategy
- Towards Solar Communities
- Flex-Plex Housing Project
- Creating the Climates for Capacity Building
Meetings with Provincial Government Attended
- Meeting with Minister Ida Chong (Community Services) about Spirit Square Project and Infrastructure funding process.
- Meeting with Minister Rich Coleman (Forest, Range, and Housing) about Pine Beetle Impacts and Social Housing
- Meeting with Minister Kevin Falcon (Transportation) about Valleyview Interchange and Cycle Path.
- Meeting with Don Sutherland, Director Advisory Service, Ministry of Community Services
- Meeting with Brian Krieger, Director 2010 Commerce Centre
- Meeting with Jeff Garrad, Chief Financial Office, BC Govt Olympic and Paralympic Secretariat
- Introductions and Chats with various Liberal and NDP MLAs
Spoke to Following Resolutions
- TILMA (spoke in favour, passed)
- Changing Election Date from November to October (spoke in favour, defeated)
Networking Receptions Attended
- YVR Reception
- BC Government Reception
- Cruise BC Reception
- BC Hydro Reception
- CUPE BC Reception