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November 12, 2007


Mickael Maddison

Hi Arjun,

I'd have to only "mostly" agree with #3. My perspective on this is slightly different. While I agree that an elected person is representing the people, a key point is that the elected person must make a decision; which group of people will I represent on this issue? It's perhaps one of the key missing pieces of democratic processes such an elected council. It's entirely possible that an elected council may all take the same stance on an issue, which in effect could be considered having represented a specific group or segment of the electorate. The simple statement "...listen, learn, and act" may easily be mistaken to suggest that the elect is to represent the ideals of the electorate majority.

Just something I've been chewing on that seems to apply to the topic.

Keep up the great work.

John Spady, Forum Foundation, Seattle

Hey Arjun,
I just wanted to say that I too appreciated meeting and listening with you at the C2D2 conference in Vancouver. I hope you continue to track King County's enactment of large-scale public dialogue using distributed small group meetings. My greetings to your greater Kamloops community.

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