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April 20, 2008



Questions that arise for me...

1. How much petroleum went into the manufacture of the 'lawn'?

2. Where was it manufactured and how much petroleum went into getting it from factory to here?

3. How much habitat does it provide for beneficial critters?

4. Is there 'really' a net gain for the environment?

Mickael Maddison

I would share those questions, but also ask...

-- What chemicals are seeping into the soil from the materials used to create the synthetic lawn?
-- Are these chemicals better or worse than pesticides?
-- Do these products contain chemicals that will affect our health such as the Bisephenol-A that's in the news these days?

I'm not a lawn fan. I don't mind having a small, simple lawn for the sake of kids or pets, sporting, etc is fine. For most homes I find them to waste of valuable resources and time.

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