Want to congratulate Nancy Bepple, Peter Sharp, and Adam Lupasko for putting their names forward to run for council this year.
I know Nancy and Peter pretty well. Peter was a member of council, and lost by only a couple of hundred votes last time. Nancy also ran last time and also came quite close to the cutoff, compared to the other candidates who did not secure a seat.
I don't think I have met Adam yet, but he seems like a very strong candidate as well. I am really excited about his plans to encourage more young people to get involved. I will be trying to do the same.
More from the Kamloops Daily News:
“I’m young, I’m blue collar, but I still have the education behind me.”
He has been to a couple of City council meetings already and feels he has some idea of what he’d be getting into.
“I believe there are four elements to any community: economic, social,
cultural and family,” he said. “Any elected official has a duty to make
sure those four are in balance.”
Lupasko said he sees too much construction going on and not enough
community supports, like the programs offered through the Boys and
Girls Club.
He said there’s too much single-family housing being built in
comparison with multi-family — a ratio he believes council should be
debating or controlling better.
He is also keen on alternative energy sources, and thinks the City should be exploring those more, especially solar.
Even higher on his list of goals is to generate interest in voting,
particularly among the younger set. Lupasko said he even hopes to host
a session at Thompson Rivers University this fall aimed at stressing
the importance of youth in politics.
Voter turnout was at 48 per cent in 2005, and Lupasko said he hopes to do something to boost that percentage this year.
“I’m doing it for the experience. If I get in, great.”