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January 04, 2009



I'm glad to hear that the plan for the North Shore is up, and not out, and deeply disappointed that the plan for Aberdeen is the opposite. I have traveled extensively, and lived abroad for around seven years, and I have to say, from what I've seen, a sprawling city is a boring, lonely, and inefficient city. I lived in Japan where the majority of (but not all) cities are built upwards, and are based around foot traffic and public transportation, not cars. These cities had vibrant, interesting, and dare I say it, fun, downtown cores and distinct neighborhoods. Even in cities smaller than Kamloops, foot traffic was very high. You'd see your neighbors often, and you'd see people who weren't your neighbors often enough to become friendly. You knew what was going on, and there was a real sense of community. You saw characteristics of individual neighborhoods as they developed. In Kamloops, I don't believe there is much of a sense of community at all, certainly nothing comparable to what I saw in Japan. Not one of the neighborhoods in Kamloops has a distinctive feel to it. I believe there is a lot of potential here, but it's not being utilized. The city of Kamloops could have *at least* three distinct centres, on the North Shore, downtown, and in Aberdeen with their own flavors. Right now, the only thing distinctive about Kamloops is the downtown core. Aberdeen is just housing and big boxes, and the North Shore is just housing and a few stores. It's too bad, really, but hopefully, on the North Shore at least, things will improve.

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