Well, time for something a little bit new, based on things I have been doing for quite a while.
I have been heavily involved in community issues in Kamloops, my incredible home town, since I moved back home in 2000. At the same time, I've been exploring this incredible world of online media. I think I was one of the first people to regularly blog about Kamloops, with Chunky Ji's journal in 2003. I launched this blog in 2005, as a candidate for City Council. And I think I was a better member of Council, by writing and getting community feedback here.
I love my community.
I feel online media is the future of media.
I'd like to take this blog to another level.
I want to be able to provide well presented, easy to access information about important issues in our community. I know we're all getting busier, so presenting information in a concise but meaningful manner will be a key goal. I am going to incorporate a weekly audio podcast, and regular short video pieces. I ask for your thoughts on what issues you think are important to cover.
I think this will fit in nicely between what comes from government and what comes from the mainstream media. The Kamloops media corps does a great job giving people day by day, blow by blow information. I'd like to focus more on trends and tips. Our elected officals oversee the production of lots of useful information. I want to take that info and provide accessible summaries.
I am offering people the opportunity to support this work and also to get access to some premium content. $5 a month buys a subscription. Right now, if you may be interested, please email me at [email protected].
Here's a bit more info,
Announcing Your Kamloops Citizen Media
- New Media for Kamloops -
- citizen driven, issues based blog, newsletters, and podcasts
- creating information pieces that suit the lifestyles of busy people: short and comprehensive
- allowing Kamloopsians to tell their own stories.
- 2009 causes: ending homelessness, and developing a green economy in Kamloops
Subscribe: 5$ a month and:
- fund the above initiatives
- access subscriber only weekly podcast (radio show) series
"lessons in life from leaders in Kamloops" and email newsletter every Friday "Kamloops: The Next Seven Days"