This is still in its early stages, but it is enormously encouraging. A group of very dedicated, experienced Kamloopsians will be meeting over September and October to formulate recommendations towards ending homelessness in Kamloops. Their recommendations are currently slated to be presented to a community forum, and hopefully in other venues, towards the end of the year.
From my experience and learning about homelessness, we can end it. The goal may sound utopian, but it seems to me that there are good solid methodologies out there that can achieve that goal.
This applies, of course, to people who don't choose homelessness as a way of life. Although, I often think when people say "I choose to be homeless", they are actually saying "I don't trust society enough to help me get housed".
This work is being coordinated through the Changing the Face of Poverty group which is facilated by the Kamloops Elizabeth Fry Society. The United Way also taking a lead role in facilitating the actual end homelessness planning work. Kudos to these wonderful organizations and the many others involved!
I will be writing more about this tremendous project regularly.