Last Wednesday, I again had the great honour of attending the monthly Changing of the Poverty committee meeting. The meeting's major topic: various activities to assist homeless folks in our community:
Homelessness Action Week: This coming week is Homelessness Action Week in Kamloops. Activities include a homeless count, a community breakfast at the Kamloops Spirit Square on October 16th, and a volunteer opportunity for youth who will be cooking a meal at the United Church Pit Stop. For more information on the homeless count, Ken Salter at the ASK Wellness centre is your man.
Homelessness Action Plan: Another quick update on this really exciting initiative, facilitated by the Kamloops Thompson United Way. There are 3 different issue specific subcommittees working on the issues of housing, support, and bridging to financial independence. These groups will make recommendations to the community towards the end of the year. People are energetic, but are grappling with scope of the problem.
Out of the Cold Extreme Weather Shelter: gearing up again for weekly Wed and Sun operation and also every day when mercury drops below -10. There is a strong likelihood of a second North Shore location.