Attended the 2010 Kamloops Chamber AGM where Mayor Peter Milobar delivered his second "State of the City" speech. Recorded it in its entirety and took notes from that audio. Here is my 2009 post and the 2009 audio.
Audio from this year's speech:
My notes from the audio:
- volunteer spirit
- last year: keep perspective message, not overreact
- convergys and pollard announcements: seeing negative impacts a year behind everyone else, wait and see attitude. stimulation activities like tax revitalization areas -> new north shore hotel, regional district building, and seniors housing.
- tax revitalization also stimulating downtown hotel developments and redevelopments.
- new law school at TRU - further evidence of university city direction.
- sustainable Kamloops planning gaining speed. April 17th open house. 1 million dollars grants from federal and provincial govts, seen somewhat as test plan for province. totally critical for community development in the next 20 to 30 years.
- municipal govt does not have lot of clout to bail out businesses, shouldn't undermine all businesses by trying to save one business.
- tournament capital: world masters affluent demographic visiting, bidding for 2015 Canada Winter Games, Kamloopsians expect that city will go after tournament bids because have seen benefits.
- Canada Games used to cost approx 1.2 million in annual taxpayer subsidy to operate, now its approx 600 000.
- community getting healthier. Tournament Capital Centre went from 2000 people a day through the building last year (pretty phenomenal) to this year 4000 people a day.
- slowpitch city will cost 3 million dollars to build with 6 million dollars additional in provincial and federal governments. very long and difficult process. some people not thrilled about drive, but once people make the drive, confident they will be no problems. Slow pitch community shown the plans, and they are excited.
- coordinated enforcement task force : combatting crime and helping the less fortunate. meets quarterly. predators with backpacks full of drugs coming into town on the greyhound.
- very successful in getting provincial and federal government grants. City staff has done great job identifying qualifying projects.
- Valleyview bike exchange still getting done but long and difficult project. Should be completed this year.
- greatest challenge will be to move projects forward but not overreach at the same time. Kamloops did a good job keeping tax increase within same area as other municipalities and still spending for the betterment of the community while other communities had to cut spending and dip into reserves.
- benefits from Olympics: probably in tourism increase because of goodwill and exposure generated, had Olympic teams training here. stop off place and promoting second night stay. Rocky Mountaineer expanding schedule will help as well.
- ACC fallout for other projects: ACC did not do good public engagement, examples of doing it better such as Domtar. take it as case by case basis. Personal apprehension around feedstock going into plants. Nothing new for green industries. Each one should be judged case by case. What does Kamloops want to market itself as a city? Do we want to embrace the university city image? Perception does play into decision. Doesn't think it will harm Kamloops business friendliness, companies need to engage with the public early in a full way.