Shortly after City Council made their initial decision to raise transit fares this week, someone loaned me their paper copy of the Kamloops transit schedule. I started to flip through the pages with a very specific purpose. When I served on Council, there was some discussion about offering advertising space in the schedule and, if memory serves, there was some energy around that idea. But, no ads in the present schedule. In fact, lots of empty white space.
I then got on the bus for a short ride home. On the inside of most buses, there are ad spaces on the walls above the seats. A bit better news here - some ads. But, certainly lots of empty spaces.
One last piece of "data" (maybe its just slightly informed speculation): I ride quite a few buses where there are a lot of empty seats. I wonder if BC Transit understands where there are underutilized times and routes on our system. I also wonder if they engage in targeted marketing to better fill those specific times and routes.
This is all to say that I think it is important for Council to explore other opportunities to increase revenue before it increases fares. Maybe there was a way not to go against vocal public opinion and to create more of a win/win for the community.
City Hall's stalwart transit coordinator Erin Felker has done a great job working on enhancing transit service. I felt for her, being on the hot seat the past couple of weeks. BC Transit has been generous in offering Kamloops new hours and fare products.
I think that transit could be marketed and companies could market through transit a lot more effectively. I might be wrong here. I might be missing something. The Council and community discussion did not really go into these areas.