(Not comprehensive)
- live in an incredible country
- municipal leaders are fabric of country
- deserve a federal partner who will work with you on big challlenges
- 2 challenges : climate change and growing inequality
- outdated funding system for municipalities
- need true federal partner who will stand up with you and give you tools you need
- good jobs, secure futures while moving to sustainability. More opportunity not less
- respecting indigenous rights
- a Canada where all family's can live well now and into future generations
- kids worried desperately about future
- lots of incredibly negative impacts of climate change
- green innovation
- municipalities influence half the emissions in Canada.
- ndp environmental plan released, also to reduce inequality and create good jobs. Public transit a big part.
- permanent allocation based funding for transit in all communities across Canada. Took the idea from FCM advocacy
- zero emission buses and low carbon trains
- expand bus services between rural communities
- low cost retrofit financing for public buildings
- massive concerns around inequality. People working hard but still falling behind. Growing insecurity. Leads to intolerance and fear.
- ppl need healthcare, good job, housing, clean air and water
- Ford govt slashing money to local governments. Most vulnerable citizens are the ones hurt
- believe passionately in public service
- pharmacare for all
- build half a million new affordable homes in 10 years
- access to post secondary
- infrastructure, stable funding
- affordable internet and wireless all over Canada