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December 13, 2019


Roger Downie

Arjun I have thoughts on this:
1: remove the parking meters and let our home grown entrepreneurs attract more downtown traffic,
2: create large fields of solar panels on unused city land to channel green energy to the city grid (with federal & provinial government financial support) Sell any surplus energy to Hydro,
3: support electric cars with more energy charging stations in high traffic corridors and parking lots,
4: IF more downtown parking is needed due to revitalization perhaps new building development would include specialty retail & living on the 1st & 2nd levels with a minimum of three parking levels on top. Rezoning for building heights likely.

Hypothetically an entire block on Seymour could be redeveloped with this concept as well as accommodate increased traffic to the downtown core. When the performing arts centre gets the green light there will be greater interest in reasoning to accommodate more multi-level investment development with both a retail/commercial retail/commercial/parking component. Parking on top of new street level buildings accomodating specialty shops and restaurants could work.

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