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February 17, 2020


Dawn Koch

I am happy to see you viewing this conflict as a opportunity to define the changes that need to be made to embrace UNDRIP. I am holding my collective breath here waiting for our Federal government to get on board with the BC government to move this forward. I salute the Hereditary Chiefs in keeping a focused and calm approach to asking us (greater Canada) to move on solving this problem.

I am trusting that with our Prime Minister's words of we need to resolve this by dialogue and not policing that the RCMP may move off the direct enforcement of the court order and a break through can come. RCMP cannot be ordered to stand down but they may see the wisdom of taking a more relaxed approach.

Doug Wells

To me it is more looking like the courts and govt have missed the mark on this Courts seem to be saying the present issue needs more law clarification. The protestors are not getting the whole story as Ellis Ross is saying here https://www.facebook.com/ellisb.ross.9/videos/804507163361879/

Lawrence Beaton

excellent opinion piece,moderation and discussion are the key. One does hope that Canadians are not sacrificed on the altar of reconciliation. As part of the bigger picture, speak to Canadians, who are unable to send their products to market or the Canadians who are unable to go to work. Speak to the Canadians, who are starting to react. I know that we could go on and on about who is suffering on both sides, and my greatest fear is a backlash.

Barbara Liotscos

I appreciate this thoughtful reflection. This is an important moment in Canadian history. I hope it is a turning point in BC history towards the BC government’s recognition and respecting of Indigenous title of land and what that means. I hope that the BC government will reconsider how it does business and recognize that it cannot continue to issue permits to companies without sitting down with the hereditary chiefs concerned. It has come to light that CGL refused to consider the route through the Wet’suwet’en territory that the hereditary chiefs proposed. I hope in the future that the government of BC may find a better way to facilitate consultations.

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