I initially framed this motion with a cycling focus. Actually, our active transportation paths in Kamloops should also accommodate walkers and people with different mobility challenges.
I am excited that this will come up for discussion at council at our first meeting in 2021, on Jan 12th.
Presented by Councillor Singh
Notice of Motion for January 12, 2021
2021 Year of the Cyclist
WHEREAS Council set a goal to reduce community greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 80% by 2050;
AND WHEREAS Kamloops’ community transportation accounts for 66% of the City’s GHG emissions;
AND WHEREAS the high and medium priorities in the City’s Transportation Master Plan will take 20 years to complete based on current Active Transportation budget allotment;
AND WHEREAS cycling reduces GHG emissions, is more cost effective, and has enormous benefits in providing social determinants to health;
AND WHEREAS the introduction and availability of electric bicycles have impacted active transportation in terms of offering a viable commuting option;
- declare 2021 as the ‘Year of the Cyclist’;
- direct Administration to present budget options, as well as address operational costs, to accomplish the high and medium priorities in the City’s Transportation Master Plan in five years;
- consider initiating a community fundraising campaign for active transportation infrastructure similar to the River’s Trail project;
- where grant programs include active transportation infrastructure projects, direct Administration to prioritize applications for these funding sources; and
- direct Administration to prepare a report to Council on incentivizing the use of electric bicycles and creating a campaign to educate the community on safe transportation etiquette.
Hello City Council,
Thank you for the opportunity to express my support for the active transportation motion put forth by Councillor Singh.
I believe Kamloops lacks (and lags behind other cities) the cycling and pedestrian infrastructure necessary to make the city more livable, more active transportation-friendly for commuting purposes, and more attractive to visitors.
Currently the city has small pockets of commuter-friendly infrastructure but there is not a cohesive system/network. Moreover, the city's main employment and education centres (TRU, RIH, etc.) are not well provided with safe and effective routes.
I believe the long term return in both financial and environmental benefits justify the investment in this area.
I appreciate your consideration of my viewpoint.
Kind regards,
Andrew Chacko
Posted by: Andrew Chacko | January 11, 2021 at 08:00 PM