Do you have a cleared zone around your house
and buildings?
The first 10 metres of space around your home
is your “First Priority”. It’s the most critical area
to consider for fire protection. A good fuel free
space gives firefighters a chance to save your
home from an advancing fire. A home without a
good fuel free space around it can make firefighting
difficult, if not impossible.
What to do?
Remove any shrubs, trees, deadfall or woodpiles
from this area and keep your grass mowed and
Kamloops has also instituted a ban on outdoor burning of any type.
I called the very helpful Sheldon Guertin with Kamloops Fire Rescue and he was kind of enough to also share the following information. There has been an unfortunate string of suspicious fires in Kamloops, so please report any suspicious activities to the RCMP. Try to record as much information as you can. Describing the situation and the people involved as this helps the RCMP do their job better.
When traveling, please report people throwing cigarette butts out car windows, and make double sure that any and all campfires or cigarette butts are fully extinguished.